

Phonics and Morphology Deck 2014

These are the known editing and typographical errors present in the Teachers’ Editions of the deck. If you know of others, or have any questions, contact us. If your deck has “Copyright 2014” on the back of the first card and front of the last card, these errors apply to your deck.

  1. Card 131, spelling rule for ou ow: remove “d” from rule for ow. The rule should read: “at end or before l, n, er, el spell /ou/ ow“. Remove crowd from example words. {Chowder, crowd, dowdy, howdy, powder and rowdy, and the proper nouns, are best thought of as exceptions rather than foundations.}
  2. Card 172, ckle: remove the word “sparkle” from the word list.
  3. Card 221, ex-: add “from” to the definition.
  4. Card 238, spec spect spict: change “spic” to “spict” on the back.
  5. Card 307, meta-: change “alter” to “after” in the definition.
  6. Card 320, mechan:  embolden the first “n” in mechanician to change “mechanician” to “mechanician”

[N.B. Last updated 26 April, 2015.]